
Kerasnya Jogja (Black Side of Jogja)

Melihat realita kehidupan di Jogja, memahami Jogja dari sisi lain

Kenapa Minum Obat Maag Tablet Sebaiknya dikunyah ?

Tahukah kamu, obat maag tablet yang dikunyah itu membantu mempercepat kerja obat ?

Tips Menyimpan Obat Sirup

Bila obat sirup telah dibuka, tanggal kadaluarsa yang tertera pada botolnya tidak berlaku lagi lho.. Simak penjelasannya..

Awake, Terjaga Saat Operasi

Pernahkah kamu bermimpi terbangun saat operasi berlangsung ?

Tips Berbelanja

Merasa menyesal setelah berbelanja karena tau-tau uangmu habis ? simak tips-tips berikut..

Monday, September 12, 2011

Kerasnya Jogja (Black Side of Jogja)

Jogja kota pelajar, Jogja kota berbudaya. Itulah anggapan masyarakat mengenai Jogja, mungkin juga saya. Banyaknya kampus-kampus terkenal di Jogja menjadikan Jogja sebagai kota tujuan untuk menimba ilmu bagi para calon mahasiswa. UGM, UNY, UPN, UII, dan beberapa universitas lainnya, serta beberapa akademi membuat Jogja semakin ramai dengan kedatangan anak-anak perantauan. Tidak heran bila Jogja disebut Kota pelajar. Bahkan orang-orang dari Sabang hingga Merauke bisa ditemui di Kota ini, di Kota Gudeg ini. Tidak ketinggalan juga para bule yang ikut meramaikan Jogja. Entah itu untuk berwisata saja atau memang untuk hal lainnya. Jogja yang masih kental akan budayanya juga menjadi daya tarik lain dari kota ini. Masyarakat yang santun, ramah, bangga akan budayanya, yang menjunjung sultannya, mungkin memang tidak bisa ditemui di kota lain. 

Jogja kota yang besar. Akses di kota ini begitu cepat. Mau cari bandara? ada. Audisi acara-acara televisi? sering. Mau cari bioskop? ada dua. Mau cari cafe? berjamur. Mau cari tempat karaoke? nggak cuma satu. Mau cari tempat clubbing? tinggal pilih yang mana. Begitu lengkapnya isi Jogja ini. Mulai dari tempat yang bener sampai tempat yang melenceng pun ada. Anak-anak perantauan yang umumnya berasal dari daerah yang mungkin tidak selengkap ini kadang menjadi terbawa dengan keadaan lingkungan. Ada anak yang fanatik sama agama, pulang ke rumah jadi aneh banget. Ada juga anak yang menghilang gara-gara ikut N11. Ada anak yang biasa-biasa saja. Ada anak yang bisa membuat orang tuanya bangga. Ada anak yang kalo malem malah ajeb-ajeb. Melihat cewek merokok di warung penyetan pun biasa. Anak-anak perantauan memang seperti anak ayam lepas dari kandangnya, anak-anak yang labil, yang terbawa arus sana-sini, yang tidak bisa melihat batas benar dan salah. Punya pacar di Jogja bisa-bisa hamil diluar nikah. Empat dari 24 anak perantauan bisa mengalami ini. Data dari mana? Bukan dari sebuah penelitian memang. Percaya tidak? Lihat saja kalau besok jadi anak kos di Jogja. Amati saja teman-temanmu. Siapa yang ngajak clubbing, siapa yang pacarannya getol sampai nggak pulang kos, siapa yang hamil diluar nikah, siapa yang suka nginep di kos pacarnya atau kontrakan pacarnya, dan pertanyaan-pertanyaan lainnya. Lalu pikirkanlah berapa banyak jumlah anak kos di seluruh Jogja. Keras memang hidup di Jogja. Tapi bukan berarti punya pacar di Jogja itu nggak boleh ya..Makanya pilih pacar yang bener! Katanya Jogja Kota berbudaya? Pikirkanlah. Orang-orang dari Sabang hingga Merauke ada di sini, tentu membawa budaya masing-masing, tabiat masing-masing, adab masing-masing. Ada yang baik, santun, tapi ada juga yang bisa membawa pengaruh buruk untuk kamu. Orang Jogja asli mungkin masih tetap menjaga apa yang menjadi budayanya, menjaga kesantunannya, tetapi apakah orang perantauan seperti itu? Semua itu sebenarnya masih bisa dihindari dengan syarat kamu punya pegangan. Pegangan apa? Agama. Agama yang akan menjagamu. Tapi bukan berarti jadi fanatik ya..Mengingat jerih payah orang tuamu untuk membayar uang kuliahmu bisa menghindarkanmu dari perbuatan yang tidak baik. Satu lagi, jangan melawan orang tua selama yang disampaikan itu benar. Melawan orang tua bisa membuatmu kuwalat. Tidak percaya dengan karma? Teman-teman saya sudah membuktikan. Pasanglah foto orang tuamu di dompetmu. Pikirkanlah apa yang terjadi dengan senyum mereka jika kamu mengecewakan keduanya. Dan kembalilah pada tujuanmu untuk apa kamu di sini. Semua hal tadi bisa saja terjadi dimana pun kamu berada. Tidak hanya di Jogja, dimana pun kamu merantau bisa saja terjadi hal yang sama. Oleh karena itu, bisa menjaga diri dari hal-hal yang tidak baik itu akan lebih baik.

Tulisan ini tidak untuk menyurutkan niatmu untuk menimba ilmu di Jogja. Hanya saja lebih baik kita tahu keadaan sebenarnya supaya tahu pencegahannya. Lebih baik mencegah daripada mengobati kan? Ingatlah, hal-hal yang terlalu selalu tidak baik. Karena penyesalan selalu datang di akhir. Tetep semangat ya kuliah di Jogja!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Red-Eyed Tree Frog

A red-eyed tree frog clings to a branch in Costa Rica.

Beruang Kutub Tidur, Kanada

Beruang kutub yang sedang tidur di es, Kanada.

Pendakian es di Eidfjord, Norwegia

Pendakian es di Eidfjord, Norwegia

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Gunung Berapi Grímsvötn

Asap tebal dan abu dari gunung berapi Grímsvötn Islandia. Letusan saat ini merupakan yang pertama sejak tahun 2004. Pada bulan April 2010 gunung berapi lain di Islandia, Eyjafjallajökull juga aktif dan menyebabkan banyak penerbangan dibatalkan. Awan abu Grímsvötn setinggi 12 mil (atau 19 kilometer) menyebabkan bandara internasional di empat negara membatalkan penerbangannya. Meskipun demikian, Grímsvötn diperkirakan tidak menghalangi lalu lintas udara di Eropa dengan keparahan yang sama dengan letusan Eyjafjallajökull 2010.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tips Berbelanja

Belanja pasti membutuhkan uang. Oleh karena itu, kalau tidak ada uang tidak bisa belanja. Saat, belanja semua barang yang nampak bagus pasti ingin dibeli. Semua orang pasti pernah merasakan itu. Saat itu juga akan terjadi perang batin. Perang batin gimana ? Saat kamu melihat barang itu, dalam hatimu akan timbul pertanyaan "Butuh ngga ya?" dan kemudian hatimu pun menanggapinya dengan jawaban "Mumpung lihat, bagus, elegan, besok juga mungkin sudah dibeli orang". Kamu pun akhirnya menarik barang itu dan memberikannya kepada penjaga toko, kemudian mengatakan, "saya ambil ini!" (dengan begitu tegasnya). Kamu pun mengeluarkan uang dan barang itu sekarang menjadi milikmu. Kamu keluar toko dengan rasa puas. Setelah kamu tiba di rumah, kamu menghitung pengeluaran kamu tadi karena kamu ingin tahu seberapa banyak uang yang kamu habiskan. Dan ternyata, menurut hasil perhitungan kamu mengeluarkan uang terlalu banyak di hari itu. Rasa penyesalan pun timbul. Hatimu pun menanggapinya dengan kalimat, "Ah..cuma sekali aja kok, jarang-jarang juga seperti ini". Apakah kamu seperti ini ? Sebaiknya dihentikan. Karena saat belanja itu juga perlu pengontrolan diri. Berikut tips belanja yang mungkin bisa dilakukan :
1. Buatlah daftar barang yang ingin kamu beli.
2. Buat perkiraan harga barang-barang yang ingin kamu beli. Lalu, jumlahkan.
3. Bawalah uang sesuai dengan perkiraan harga yang telah kamu buat tadi. Boleh dilebihkan sedikit untuk jaga-jaga kalau perkiraanmu kurang tepat.
4. Sebaiknya tidak bawa kartu kredit (bagi yang punya). Kartu kredit bagi sebagian orang menawarkan kemudahan karena tidak harus membawa uang tunai. Tapi saat kamu belanja, saat kamu melihat barang bagus dan mulai timbul rasa ingin memilikinya, dengan mudah kartu kredit itu digesek. Dan dalam hitungan detik, barang itu menjadi milik kamu. Jangan lakukan ini kalau kamu tidak bisa membayar tagihannya, seperti di film "Confession of A Shopaholic". Kalau perlu nonton dulu sebelum pergi belanja. :D
5. Sediakan uang untuk makan di luar. Jika kamu berbelanja bersama dengan teman-teman kamu, biasanya setelah belanja ya pergi makan karena lapar setelah berkeliling toko. Oleh karena itu, sediakan secukupnya. Cukup untuk makan maksudnya.
6. Siapkan uang pecahan kecil untuk membayar parkir.
7. Saat kamu melihat barang diluar daftar yang kamu buat dan kamu tertarik, maka pikirkan lagi. Tanyakan kepada dirimu, "butuh tidak?", "mendesak tidak?". Kalau memang tidak begitu membutuhkan dan tidak begitu mendesak. sebaiknya tidak dibeli. Inilah gunanya membawa uang sesuai yang diperkirakan tadi.
8. Kalau kamu tidak ingin tergoda dengan barang-barang yang tidak terduga di toko, belanja online bisa menjadi pilihan.
9. Tabunglah sisa uang yang kamu bawa tadi.
10. Usahakan menabung setiap hari.

Selamat berbelanja...


Monday, May 23, 2011

Tips Membeli Jeruk Lokal

Berawal dari keingintahuan tentang cara memilih buah jeruk lokal yang benar dan merasa ingin tidak tertipu setelah membelinya, akhirnya saya browsing. Banyak hal bisa ditanyakan ke mbah google :-D. Berikut hasil browsingan saya tentang memilih jeruk lokal yang manis :

1. Carilah jeruk yang segar
2. Pilihlah jeruk yang tidak ada kerutan pada kulitnya
3. Selain kulit yang tidak ada kerutan, pilihlah kulit jeruk yang sudah kendor. Cara mengetahuinya, pijitlah jeruknya. Bila kendor biasanya empuk. Warna tidak begitu berpengaruh pada pemilihan jeruk. Bila warna jeruk agak hijau, tapi kulitnya kendor, biasanya juga manis menyegarkan.


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Awake, Terjaga Saat Operasi

Jenis Film: thriller
Pemain: Jessica Alba, Hayden Christensen, Terrence Howard
Sutradara: Joby Harold
Penulis: Joby Harold
Produser: Jason Kliot, John Penotti
Produksi: The Weinstein Company

Cerita ini berawal dari seorang pria kaya bernama Clayton Beresford Jr (Hayden Christensen), seseorang yang menderita kelainan jantung dan membutuhkan transplantasi jantung segera. Bertentangan dengan keinginan ibunya, Clayton akan dioperasi oleh temannya yang seorang ahli bedah, Jack (Terrence Howard), bukan dokter bergengsi memang. Clayton menjalin hubungan dengan sekretaris ibunya, Sam (diperankan oleh Alba), yang kemudian ia nikahi pada malam sebelum operasi. Tibalah saat operasi. Clayton pun menjalani prosedur operasi, termasuk pemberian anestesi. Namun, Clayton menyadari bahwa ia masih terjaga selama operasi, (fenomena yang disebut anesthesia awareness).  Clayton merasa tubuhnya tak bisa bergerak, tetapi jiwanya dapat melihat apa yang terjadi. Saat itulah, Clayton mengetahui  bahwa ia dalam masalah. Sebuah komplotan berencana untuk membunuhnya dan mendapatkan uang, dan Clayton pun menyadari bahwa Jack dan Sam memiliki andil juga dalam rencana itu. Apakah Clayton akan selamat ?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Bermimpi, Tak Ada yang Tak Mungkin

"Mimpi adalah kunci untuk kita menaklukkan dunia, berlarilah tanpa lelah sampai engkau meraihnya..", begitu yang dinyanyikan nidji dalam soundtrack film laskar pelangi.
Bermimpi. Bermimpi adalah sebuah kata yang asing bagiku sewaktu itu. Sebuah kata yang hanya lewat saja di telingaku. Mungkin memang saat itu aku belum ngeh dengan kata itu. Mungkin juga karena aku tidak begitu percaya dengan mimpi. Kata hanya menjadi kata, tanpa terpikirkan makna didalamnya.
Ini semua berawal dari kakak sepupuku. Kakakku bercerita tentang seorang temannya yang lewat mimpinya membuat dia bisa bekerja di sebuah perusahaan search engine yang cukup terkenal. Wow ! Hanya rasa takjub yang muncul di benakku saat itu. Ternyata dengan bermimpi bisa menjadi sehebat itu. Sejak saat itu aku mulai percaya dengan namanya mimpi.
"Menarilah dan terus tertawa walau dunia tak seindah surga." Ya dunia memang tidak surga. Benar sekali kata abang-abang nidji ini. Kehilangan seseorang yang bisa menjadi tempat berpegang, tempat bersandar, tempat menanyakan segala hal yang tidak ku ketahui, seseorang yang dengan tulus memberikan kasih sayangnya yang begitu lembut, membuatku terpukul. Jujur saja, masih teringat masa-masa itu. Dan tidak dipungkiri bahwa aku masih merindukannya. Kehilangan seorang ibu, sempat membuatku terjatuh, seakan aku tidak percaya akan kepergiannya yang begitu cepat. Hari-hariku pun begitu hampa. Patah semangat, sebuah kata yang mungkin cocok untuk menggambarkan semua ini. Nilai akademikku pun terjun dengan bebasnya.
Dari cerita teman-temanku tentang kehidupannya menyadarkanku bahwa memang dunia tak sesempurna seperti yang aku bayangkan sebelumnya. Ternyata bukan aku saja yang merasakan bahwa dunia sekejam ini. Kehidupan ini keras. Dan semua orang pasti akan mengalaminya. Cerita teman-temanku inilah yang membuatku bangkit. Seperti nidji bilang tadi. Lagu ini sepertinya juga ikut menyadarkanku. Lagu ini berputar-putar terus dalam kepalaku, seperti terkubur sebuah mp3 player dalam otakku. Akupun mulai bersyukur dengan keadaanku. Aku mulai bersemangat lagi menjalani hidup.
Kata-kata kakakku pun sepertinya juga ikut berkontribusi meingkatkan semangatku. Bermimpi. Aku pun mulai membangun mimpi. Sebuah mimpi sederhana. Aku hanya ingin meningkatkan nilai akademikku. Maklumlah, benar-benar terjun bebas nilai-nilaiku. Akhirnya aku pun berhasil menggapainya, naik. Aku pun masih terus berjuang untuk semester-semester selanjutnya. Dan aku putuskan untuk membahagiakan beliau dengan cara lain.
Ceritaku mungkin tidak seru. Tapi saat kamu bermimpi dan mimpimu itu kuat, tanpa kamu sadari kamu akan melakukan segala cara yang pada akhirnya bertujuan agar mimpimu itu tercapai. Tentunya dengan cara-cara yang benar. Saat bermimpi, kamu akan lebih hidup, lebih optimis, lebih bersemangat, dan lebih terarah. "Bermimpi itu harus setinggi-tingginya", kata kakakku. Memang kadang bagi orang lain terdengar abstrak, terlalu tinggi, bahkan seperti tak mungkin. Tapi dengan bermimpi tidak ada yang tidak mungkin. Nothing is imposible, imposible is nothing. Aku akan terus bermimpi. Pekerjaanku juga bermimpi. Ku awali hariku dengan bermimpi. Ku penuhi hidupku dengan mimpi-mimpiku. Maka, bermimpilah !

Monday, May 2, 2011

Between Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra.

Although Viagra becomes the market leader as erection disfunction medicine, it doesn't mean Viagra doesn't has competitor at all. Another medicines that have same function like Viagra are Cialis (contain Tadalafil) and Levitra (contain Vardenafil). They have the same mechanism with Viagra for treat erection disfunction. So, what is the difference with Viagra ?

Cialis (Tadafil) can present longer in the body than Viagra, because Cialis has half-life elimination 17,5 hours (Viagra only has 4-5 hours). Half-life elimination is time that needed for drug become 50 % in our body. It means, in 4-5 hours, Viagra concentration in the body only a half or 50 %, because the rest has been eliminated or excreted out of the body. Imagine, with Cialis, it will be a half in 17,5 hours. But it doesn't mean the patient will erect for 17 hours. The implication, Cialis gives free time for the users. For example, if someone consumes Cialis at 6 pm, but the sexual activity begins at 1 am, Cialis will still able to treat erection disfunction. Compare with Viagra, if someone consumes Viagra at 6 pm, but after 4-5 hours hasn't made sexual activity, drug concentration has been decreased a half or more, so the effect will be decreased too. But the consequence is drug that present in the body longer will have side effect longer too.

Levitra (Vardenafil) is a new one for erection disfunction like Viagra. It's half-life same with Viagra, 4 hours. But the surplus, it's more potent than Viagra, so Lexitra can be used in little dose (10 % of Viagra), and it has specific effect on PDE-5 enzyme, so the side effect smaller.

But in general, Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra have almost the same side effects. They're used very careful for patient with cardiovascular disturbance, especially for patient also consumes antihypertensive. Because, they can decrease blood pressure and even cause death. So, think the benefit and the side effect before use them.

Related post: Who Doesn't Know Viagra ?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Who Doesn't Know Viagra ?

Who doesn't know Viagra ? Viagra is very popular for men. What is it for ?
Viagra helps a man with erection disfunction. Viagra contains Sildenafil Citrate. How does it work ? Viagra will block phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE5) enzyme and cause the extension of blood-vessels then increases blood flow to penis, at the end Viagra makes a penis bigger. Then, the penis can erect. Viagra will not be effective if it's consumed without sexual stimulation. So, if someone consumed Viagra but he doesn't continue it with sexual activity, it will be useless. Sildenafil has been approved by FDA (Food and Drug Administration) since March 27 1998 and now become the market leader for erection disfunction treatment.

But, don't use Viagra as you want. However every medicines have side effects. The common side effects are headache, gastrointestinal track disturbance, vision disturbance, etc. Viagra must be used as doctor's recipe and patient with cardiovascular disturbance must be careful use this Viagra. 

Related post: Between Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra

Friday, April 29, 2011

A Contest Likes William and Kate

source: detikfoto
Orsola and Simon pose like William and Kate
Various ways done by the people of the UK to welcome marriage between Prince William and Kate Middleton. One of them held a contest likes William and Kate.

An Old Ice Cream

See a photo on detikfoto make me want to try this...
"Tip Top" arguably the most popular place in Medan. This place is usually more crowded on weekends, not only by youngsters but also by grandpa and grandma. Resto is located on Jl. A. Yani, Medan formerly Kesawan road.
This resto relies on old ice cream and cake as its flagship menu. The place is set up with rattan chairs and visitors can dine like a lord and lady of the Netherlands.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

When Is The Right Time To Take The Medicine ?


After you get a medicine from pharmacy store, you will get some advices when you can consume the medicine and the frequency or intensity of the medicine you must take. For example pharmacist tell you to take the medicine three times daily after meal (3 x sehari setelah makan) or three times daily before meal, can you get the difference ? What is the meaning of after meal and before meal ?

Medicine is a chemist substances that have therapeutic effect. Therapeutic effect of the medicine could be decreased or increased by the foods. Why ? Yeah, because the medicine can interact with foods so the absorption of the medicine could be affected. So, when is the right time to take the medicine ? After meal means you must take the medicine instantaneous after meal. But if you take the medicine 2 hours after meals, the foods in your stomach's been proceed and absorbed, this condition likes when you take the medicine before meal because your stomach is empty. What about before meal ? Before meal means you must take the medicine when your stomach's empty.

For example an antibiotic erythromycin and ampicillin and an analgesic paracetamol will be absorbed well when there is no food in your stomach or when it's empty. So, these medicines are better taken before meal. An antiepileptic fenitoin or antihypertention propanolol will be absorbed well when there is some food in your stomach. So, these medicines are better taken after meal. Some medicine can irritate your because usually this medicine is acid, and it will have a role to 

Knowing the right tome to take the medicine is an important thing. So, don't be pretend you don't know it ! Ask the pharmacist to help you..

What next ? A Master Degree ?

master degree ?
WHAT would you do after college? Most of persons with undergraduate degree directly be job seeker. But, why not try to continue the master degree?

Continuing a master degree must be considered carefully. In addition, the budget must support, a reason to continue studying a master degree should be clear.

There are several reasons you need to realize. Most people, take the master degree to pursue careers that do require a minimum master degree. This is needed if you're interested in becoming a lecturer, a few positions in government offices. With master degree, you will have greater value. Obviously, the salary will be greater.

Another reason to add a broader knowledge. No doubt there is some science that can not be applied to the concept of learning by doing. Well, in the master degree class you can also open network. Because, on average they already have experienced the office. So, do not be surprised if later on in the classroom you have friends like you start from the same age or parental age.

Meanwhile, by continuing the master degree, your responsibility will be even greater. You will be faced with various tasks, paper, or research more than when taking a undergraduate. Working groups will also become part of your activities of daily later.

The thing to be concerned, your motivation get a master degree, do not just add the title to boost the prestige for the sake of prestige. But more than that. Let's choose ..

Monday, April 25, 2011

Love Story in Harvard

Love story in harvard is 16 episodes korean drama that take Harvard university as its set. Love story in harvard written by Choi Wan Kyu and Song Eun Hye. This film starred by Kim Rae-won, Kim Tae-hee, Lee Jeong-jin. First part of the series is set in Harvard University, and the second part of the series take place mainly in Seoul.

Hyun Woo Kim (Kim Rae Won) and Alex Hong (Lee Jeong-jin) are the first-year student in Harvard Law School, both are from South Korea. Alex Hong applies himself more and he become the favorite student of Professor John H. Keynes (Frank Gorshin). Hyun Woo Kim, who initially has a hard time adjusting to the workload, falls into bad graces of the Professor, who repeatedly humiliates him. However, Hyun Woo's spirit leads him to never gives up. And finally, he wins the respect of Professor Keynes and his classmates. Both, Alex Hong and Hyun Woo meet and fall for Lee Soo In (Kim Tae Hee), a third-year Harvard Medical School Student. Both of them become rival to get Lee Soo In. Like another Korean drama, there is always funny part in this drama.

Hyun Woo begins closer with Lee Soo In. But, their relationship isn't long-lived after Lee Soo In's application for EOP, an organization that provides medical care to patients in Third World countries, is accepted. After spend a night with Hyun Woo, she leaves him to work in South America and breaks off all contact with Hyun Woo. Hyun Woo never knows that Soo In left him in this way. Can you imagine what Hyun Woo feel ? He is very hurt.

The second part of the series takes place in Seoul. After graduated from Harvard Law School, Hyun Woo Kim back to Korea and become an idealistic lawyer. He defenses people who have no voice in legal system. Alex Hong, who remained in the US after the graduation, returns to Korea to take on a case for an international chemicals company, which is being accused of dumping toxic substances. Hyun Woo Kim involved in the same case to defense the victims because of the chemicals company. In addition, Lee Soo In returns to Korea to make a medical research about the same International Chemicals Company. The three of them finally meet. Although Hyun Woo Kim is still angry at Soo-In, his feeling never changed. And Alex Hong who is in the opposite side with Hyun Woo, finally helps Hyun Woo and Soo-In win the case. Alex Hong then finally back to US and teach at Harvard Law School. while Hyun Woo and Soo-In marry and have children.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Jim Carrey in "Yes Man"

Yes man, a comedy film, released in 2008 and starred by Jim Carrey. This film is based on true story. The story's taken from a book titled "The Yes Man", written by Britanian comedian, Danny Wallace. This film tells about Carl Allen (Jim Carrey) who always be melancholic that like to be alone and always says no to his friends. Carl then attend a seminar that suggested by Nick Lane, his old friend. Carl's forced to make a covenant by Terrence to say yes in every chances and in everything. Carl then begins to say yes in every chance although he don't want it. But because of his act, his life's changed, his mind begins to be opened and he becomes a useful man for everyone. And everyones around him begin to like him. Because he always says yes, he also meet Allison (Zooey dischanel) and they begin a relationship. What is the meaning we can get from this film ?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Recognize Your Flu Medicine !

Have you ever get Flu ? Everyones must be ever get flu. But, have you ever read the information in its package ? You've ever read but you don't understand it ?

In this post I'll try to explain about information in flu medicine.
a. Indication (Indikasi) : it means the use of the medicine. The use of medicine must match with its indication. Or in other words, indication means the diseases or symptoms that could relieved by the medicine. Read the indication and you'll get it !
b. Contraindication (Kontraindikasi) : it means a body condition where someone can't take the medicine. For example, if you find a medicine which the contraindication is hypertension, it means that a person who has hypertension can't take the medicine because if he/she takes the medicine, it will lead him/her to something more dangerous.
c. Decongestion (Dekongestan) used for relieve congestion nose.
d. Analgesic (Analgesik) used for relieve pain.
e. Antipyretic (Antipiretik) used for releive fever.
f. Antihistamine (antihistamine) used for lose the allergy.
g. Tachycardia (takirdi): it means heart beat increment. On the other hand, bradycardia (bradikardi) means heart beat decrement.
h. Arrhythmia (aritmia) : it means disorders of the rhythm of the heart.
i. Urine retention (retensi urin) : the decrement of urine that excreted because urine retention.
j. Palpitation : a condition where occurs the strength increment of heart contraction, the heart beat stronger.

Ok, for a while that's all i can tell u..
If you still don't understand about the informations in a medicine, ask a pharmacist to explain it for you. Don't be shy or taboo because it's your right to get a counsel from a pharmacist and it's a pharmacist duty to give a counsel and education about medicine to the patients.

Alangkah Lucunya Negeri Ini: a film by Deddy Mizwar

Once again, a 2010 comedy film that released by Deddy Mizwar. Starred by Reza Rahadian and Deddy Mizwar himself. The theme that tries to be raised by this film is about the important of education. The film, "Alangkah Lucunya Negeri Ini" is written by Musfar Yasin, and starred by Reza Rahadian, Deddy Mizwar, Slamet Rahardjo, Jaja Mihardja, Tio Pakusadewo, Asrul Dahlan, Ratu Tika Bravani, Rina Hasyim, Sakurta Ginting, Sonia, and Teuku Edwin.

Since graduate from his bachelor degree, almost 2 years Muluk (Reza Rahadian) hasn't get a job. Although Muluk always fails but he never gives up. Meeting with Komet, a pickpocket boy, leads Muluk to an opportunity in getting a job. Komet then takes Muluk to his post. Muluk is introduced to Bang Jarot (Tio Pakusadewo), the boss of a pickpocket group. Muluk's staggered because there are many boys who become pickpocket like Komet. See this condition, Muluk has an idea to offer a contract with Bang Jarot. Muluk convinces Bang Jarot that he can manage their finance, and ask for 10% payment from their pilfer income, include cost for educate them.

His action begins to show a result. But in his deep heart, he wants to make the pickpocket boys to change their profession. Helped by his two friends who also bachelor, Muluk gives them task to teach religion, attitude, and citizenship. Do they succeed to educate the pickpocket boys ? What will Muluk's father do when he knows that Muluk's salary come from that pickpocket boys ? Just check this film !

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Blind Side

The blind side is an American semi-biographical sports drama film, based on true story, from a book The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game by Michael Lewis. It begins with the presence of Michael Oher (Quinton Aaron), a homeless African-American youngster from a broken home in the Touhys's live. Michael Oher or usually called "Big Mike" has no idea who his father and his mother is drug addict. Michael Oher study in the same school with SJ (Sean Junior) and Collin, a son and a daughter of Leigh Anne Touhy (Sandra Bullock). Because of it, SJ knows him.
On a late night, after Thanksgiving school play, Leigh Anne finds Michael Oher shivering in the cold and has no room for sleep at night, the sympathy and empathy lead Leigh Anne to offer Michael Oher a place to sleep at her house. Slowly, Michael becomes a member of the Touhy family. SJ also treats him as his older brother and help him to be a good football player. Sean and Leigh Anne then adopt Michael Oher. They give everything to support Michael Oher's potency in sport, include hire a tutor, Miss Sue (Kathy Bates) to improve his GPA (Grade Point Average), so he can get a NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) Division I scholarship.
Finally, Michael Oher chooses University of Mississipi for his college and develops his potency to become a football player. At the end, Michael Oher succeed to be a star as an offensive lineman who plays for the Baltimore Ravens of the NFL.
The Blind Side nominated as Best Motion Picture in Academy Award. It won as Best Sports Movies in ESPY Awards. It also won as Favorite Drama Movie in Teen Choice Awards 2010.
I recommend you to watch this film. Your heart will be touched.
The Blind Side 27 x 40 Movie Poster - Style A Yes Man (Single-Disc Edition)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Aspartame, Can We Take it ?

Aspartame is one of sweetening agents that also called aspartamum or aspartyl phenylamine methyl ester. We can find also aspartame as Equal, Nutrasweet, and Canderel. Those are the trade name of aspartame. Aspartame is used as sweetening agent in beverage products (such as in energy drinks), food products (such as in sugar-free candy), and in pharmaceutical preparations including tablets, powders mixes, and vitamin preparations. Aspartame can enhance sweet flavor and can be used to mask some unpleasant taste characteristics. The approximate sweetening power of aspartame is 180-200 times that of sucrose, a sugar that we usually use when we make a cup of tea. Because of it, the cadgers usually use aspartame or another sweetening agents in beverages they sold, but they don't know its right proportion. Beside that, the price of aspartame is cheap.
In 1 g of aspartame provides approximately 17 kJ (4kcal), because the calories that resulted are very low, it can be ignored. And because of it, aspartame become popular as sweetening agent for avoids calories that resulted in sugar (sucrose). Another advantages of aspartame are have a sweet taste like sugar, not damage teeth, enhance taste of fruits in foods and beverages, and it can be used as sweetening agent in foods and beverages for diabetic.
Aspartame in human body is metabolized become aspartic acid and phenylalanine. Of these materials, only phenylalanine is produced in sufficient quantities. In the normal healthy individual any phenylalanine produced is harmless; however, it is recommended that aspartame be avoided or its intake restricted by those people with phenylketonuria. Why ? Because in healthy human body, phenylalanine changed become tyrosine then excreted. But a person who suffers phenylketonuria can't change phenylalanine become tyrosine, so the concentration of phenylalanine is high in blood, so it can danger her or his body. The accumulation of phenylalanine in blood can poison the brain and cause mental retardation. Because of that, aspartame is contraindicated for phenylketonuria patients.
Aspartame is safe when we use it in right dose. The acceptable daily intake for aspartame is 40 mg/kg of body weight/day. It's mean, if a person has body weight 50 kg, the maximum aspartame can consume in a day by that person is 40 x 50 = 2000 mg or 2 grams. As long as we don't consume aspartame exceed the dose, it's safe. And don't forget to check the label in your foods or beverages product that you bought.

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